With the significance of car service increasing day by day and every car owner following the car care calendar diligently, cars are now in a better shape. Every car owner tries to follow various car service and maintenance tips that they receive from various sources. Generally, when information is passed from one person to another and so in in a chain, it tends to get distorted. Same happens with these car service and maintenance tips.
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Each car expert has his or her own version of car care tips list to offer and that involves several distorted facts due to the above-mentioned reason. Also, sometimes these car care tips are customised in such a way that it can lead to the car service provider more profit. The car machine is designed by the manufacturers to offer the best performance and the only true guide to efficient car maintenance is the service manual of the car that is provided to you by the manufacturer. But, for obvious reasons, nobody takes the pain to go through the whole manual. So, to help you out, I have busted all the commonly known myths about car servicing. These myths are so widespread that every car owner tends to follow it religiously and ends up spending more in every car service. It is high time that you all knew about things you are unnecessarily spending money for.Apart from that, you can search through the reliable online portals or visit your nearest car service center for more details.
- Engine oil: This is the most prevalent myth - You need to replace your engine oil after every 3000 miles that the car travels. Car engine technology has advanced and so has the efficiency of the engines. In this process, the need change of engine oil frequency has reduced. Meaning, a normal car can travel around 7000-8000 miles between oil changes. For a precise number of miles that your car can ideally travel between oil changes is always mentioned in the car manual.
- Car coolant: The car coolant is another fluid that is surrounded by myths. Many believe that car coolants need to be flushed along with every engine oil replacement. This is absolutely untrue. Car manufacturers say that the coolant has to be replaced after every five years or more. Coolants are designed to last long and that is why replacing them frequently makes no sense at all. But this does not mean that you do not check for drops in coolant levels. Keep an eye on the coolant level and top it off if the level drops.
- The filters: Most mechanics make people believe that whenever the car filters stop functioning efficiently or get clogged up, they need to be changed. This is a myth that car service providers use to convince people to get filters replaced and make profit. In reality, car filters can be blown clean with compressed air and their lifespan is thereby extended. You can check the car used manual for the duration between filter changes instead of believing everything that the mechanic has to say.
- Tyres: It is a widespread belief that a car should have all the 4 tyres replaced at the same time. This is another myth that people have been blindly following. People believe that the car tyres should have the same tread depth and thus should be replaced together. But, considering how costly these tyres are, it is alright to replace just one tyre in case only one is damaged. The only thing that you need to take care of is that the new tyre should have its brand, size, tread pattern and speed rating same as the other 3 tyres.
Now, with all these myths busted and the reality out in the open, you can spot when your mechanic is trying to rip you off. This way, you save all the unnecessary costs during a car service.